There are 3 ways to acquire customers – not just one.
Concentrate 2/3 of your marketing efforts on existing customers and reduce 2/3 of your risk. There are three ways to grow a business. But...
Concentrate 2/3 of your marketing efforts on existing customers and reduce 2/3 of your risk. There are three ways to grow a business. But...
Most businesses spend some arbitrary percentage of revenue on marketing – 3%, 4%, 5% are typical percentages used. But this assigning...
A $500 investment in an ad is going to cost you $500, whether you get 50 responses or 500. But we know through experience that changing...
It’s no secret that you need to build a tribe (AKA community) if you want to build a thriving business. Tribes are loyal, tribes help...
Building your tribe or community mostly revolves around you communicating with your members and developing relationships. Nothing can...
Engaging your audience is the key to developing relationships, building trust, and creating more profits. That’s why you’ll want to use...
Building a successful business isn’t about creating solutions and then pushing those solutions in front of an audience. The key is to...
If you’re a marketer, then you probably do a lot of direct-response campaigns. That means you put an ad in front of someone, such as an...
Love to #hashtag? Good news! You can add tags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people. Why hashtag?...